KDP Initiation Ceremony

Have you seen a KDP email in your inbox? 

KDP has sent out our official invites to your GSU email! We are so excited to welcome another year of great students and members. Show off all the hard work that got you here and RSVP for our Initiation Ceremony!

We are holding our Initiation Ceremony on October 2nd in the E-lounge from 4:30-6:30 pm

All steps on how to register for KDP online and submitting your dues to Student Leaders are included in the email. Have any questions? Contact your KDP Chapter President Keelin Crotty (kcrotty@student.govst.edu), stop a student leader in one of your classes, or come visit us in our office at G226 (office hours are posted outside).

Congratulations! This is something that speaks to your hard work, time, and effort you’ve put forth at GSU, be proud!

Growing Up Wild Training

The Student Education Association (SEA) and Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society (KDP) hosted the Growing Up Wild training workshop on Monday, February 4th, 2019 from 4:30- 8pm at Governor State University (GSU).  The training workshop was facilitated by GSU’s very own Associate Provost, Dr. Colleen Sexton. The seventeen attendees received the Growing Up Wild book that includes twenty-seven field-tested, hands-on, nature-based activities for children, ages 3-7. Dr. Sexton presented four of the activities from the Growing Up Wild guide and then participants used materials provided to make the activities. The activities were both fun and informative. The future educators who attended this workshop have an amazing science resource they will be able to use in their classrooms.

The leaders of SEA/ KDP would like to thank Dr. Sexton for her time and commitment to making this event a success!

Written by Keelin Crotty

Featured: Dr. Colleen Sexton explaining an activity.    

Featured: attendees working hard on their Project Wild crafts.

See more PLT photos here.

SEA Career Workshop: January 25, 2018

Story written by Jessica Dunahoo 1.7.18CareerWorkshop

The Student Education Association (SEA) and Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society (KDP) at Governor’s State University will be hosting a career and resume workshop on Thursday, January 25 from 4-6pm in the E-lounge. SEA’s current president, Stephanie Henning, will be acting as host for the event. The workshop will be a joint effort between the SEA, Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society, Psi Chi Psychology National Honor Society, and the Psychology club at GSU. All students from across the university, including individuals within the Division of Education, Division of Social Work, and Division of Psychology and Counseling are encouraged to attend.

Presenters include school administrators, psychologists, graduate school representatives, and student graduates in the field of psychology and education. They will provide useful information on resume formatting, content, and cover letters. They will also provide resume and interview tips, as well as advice on when to apply for positions and how to stand out from other applicants.

Additionally, information and guidance on applying to graduate school will be provided.  Student attendees will be encouraged to ask questions. The second part of this event will include small group consultations and work sessions. In the work sessions, students will be able to receive individualized help with their resumes from experienced faculty and staff. Any student who wishes to receive advice on improvements should bring their resume to the event.

Join Us Nov. 6th for our Event – Education for Sustainability!

Education for Sustainability Event

Join us today – Monday, November 6th from 3-5pm in the e-lounge at Governors State University.

There will be activities and guest speakers from the American Red Cross, South Suburban Family Shelter, Together We Cope, Make a Wish Foundation, and Cook County Health and Hospital System.

Teachers can earn CPDU’s for attending!

Teacher Success Panel on Sept. 28, 2017 – Summary

SumMARy of Teacher Success Panel on September 28, 2017

The SEA at GSU hosted a Teacher Success Panel on Thursday, September 28, 2017 in the E-lounge at GSU. The event was paid for in part by a National Education Association (NEA) Create Grant awarded to SEA for use during the Fall 2017 semester.  Stephanie Henning and Jessica Dunahoo, the President and Vice-President of SEA respectively, wrote the grant with Dr. Katy Hisrich as the P.I.; they also planned and hosted the event.

Guest speakers on the panel were current teachers ranging from Kindergarten to 12th grade, as well as an edTPA expert: Ms. Samantha Allen, Ms. Gwen Medrano, Mr. Michael Flood, Mr. Charles Robinson, Ms. Laroi Sykes, Mr. Steve Borchert, Mr. Joseph Slawinski, and Ms. Teresa Spesia.  Five of these professional were GSU graduates within the last two years; 3 of them were former SEA leaders. The professionals on the panel provided interesting and valuable insights to the more than 45 students who attended the event. Several first year teachers were able to share insights on student teaching and staying motivated. Veteran teachers also described their best classroom management strategies and how to create a successful classroom atmosphere. Ms. Teresa Spesia, the edTPA coordinator at St. Francis University, discussed edTPA tips and strategies.  Those who attended the event gained a wealth of knowledge to use throughout their education and career. The SEA would like to thank the panelist volunteers for their valuable time and expertise.


#SEAatGSU, #teachers, #education, #teacherquality, #NEAgrant, #NEA, #IEA, #futureteachers