Literacy Project – February 27, 2019

The Student Education Association (SEA) and Kappa Delta Pi Honors Society (KDP) took part in a Literacy Night on Wednesday February 27th, 2019 from 5:30- 7pm at Monee Elementary School- district 201.  The theme for literacy night was “Superheroes.”  Students from Monee Elementary and family members were able to partake in six different activities.  The literacy activities gave students the opportunity to engage in reading and writing in fun ways.  Students left with literacy crafts they made such as superhero masks, comic strips, and decorated cookies.  Volunteers worked with students at each center to ensure they had a positive experience.

The SEA/ KDP committee would like to thank Monee Elementary for allowing us to participate in their Literature Night Event.  We would also like to thank all the pre-service teachers and professors that volunteered for the event.

Written by Keelin Crotty
